Social Media Marketing

Dijital Karma offers social media marketing services to tell your brand’s story, promote your products and services as well as carry out social media campaigns to reach more people.
Social Media Marketing

4 billion 500 million people from all over the world have access to the internet. 3 billion 800 million of these people actively use social media. Internet users spend an average of 6 hours and 43 minutes every day on the internet and spend 90% of this time on mobile devices.

As the statistics clearly illustrate, the internet and social media constitute such a big part of our lives. That is why you must use the power of social media to communicate with your customers and potential customers. You can get social media consultancy services to carry out social media campaigns that will take your business to new heights, reach millions of people, expand your customer base, strengthen your brand image and increase your brand awareness.

With social media consultancy services, you can create advertising campaigns that attract thousands of people and let everyone know about your business. With carefully crafted social media posts, you can convey your messages, tell your brand’s story and promote your products and services to a much wider audience.

If you want to make your brand perform better on all social media platforms including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, and to be in contact with your audience, you should take a closer look at the unique social media consultancy services offered by Dijital Karma.

What is Social Media Consultancy?

Social media consultancy enables your brand to reach new audiences in social media platforms in addition to regulating and maintaining your brand’s presence in all online channels.

You can create your brand’s online identity from scratch or shape the existing one with the help of creative social media consultants who closely follow the changing dynamics and trends of social media platforms. The proper use of social media directly affects the future of your business and enables you to communicate with your potential customers. Your brand’s social media performance also affects your sales.

Which Services are Included?

Social media consultancy, which enables you to stand out from your competitors with effective social media use, includes the following services:

  •     Setting up a social media strategy:  Shaped by many factors such as your brand’s story and your business’s marketing goals, your social media strategy is like a compass that guides your activity on social media. To achieve your goals, your strategy must be carefully built by experts.
  •     Creating a social media profile compatible with the brand image:  Your social media profile should be created in line with your brand image. You must also consider various factors such as the industry you operate in and your customer base.
  •     Content creation:  Content creation refers to producing visual content and textual content. It aims to provide impressive images, graphics, gifs and videos, copies that promote your products and services.
  •     Advertising, campaign and budget management:  Refers to the execution and planning of your advertising campaigns on online platforms (Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.).
  •     Following social media trends:  Social media algorithms and trends change very often. If you want your brand to remain relevant, you must closely follow these trends and changes.
  •     Crisis management:  In case of a crisis, effective crisis management is one of the most important needs of your business in order to protect your brand value, customer base and reputation.
  •  Social media work plan:  The posts to be made and the content to be published every month should be carefully planned because stability is necessary to achieve success on social media. When you get social media consulting, Digital Karma does it for you and offers weekly or monthly plans for your approval.
  •     Reporting:  Digital Karma prepares detailed reports on a weekly or monthly basis to help you track your brand’s social media performance.

Why Do You Need Social Media Consulting?

Social media consultancy ensures that your business reaches the right people at the right time. You need the expertise of your social media consultant to make sure your ads are reaching your potential customers using advanced targeting options.

Moreover, a social media consultant ensures that you use your time and resources more efficiently. Your consultant performs important social media management activities such as making advertising plans, overseeing your budget, tracking and reporting the performance of your ads and more.

Why Choose Dijital Karma?

In Dijital Karma, we approach every customer with passion and enthusiasm. That is why we have been able to offer our experience and unprecedented services. We carefully plan the presence of your brand in online channels and produce unique solutions that suit your individual needs.

Increasing brand awareness, expanding customer base, increasing sales… Whatever your goal is, Dijital Karma’s social media experts are here to help you! Contact us now and let’s build the future of your brand together.